16 June, 2013

3 Days In The Middle of No Where //drama //run away boys.

This year youth conference was in the middle of no where. 45 minutes outside of delta. to be honest the building that we stayed in made us all feel like we were in prison. all of us girls slept inside, but the boys slept outside. i loved youth conference this year, i grew closer to everyone than ever before. there was a lot of drama... but that always happens when i go camping with our ward. 

we all met at the stake center and headed on the bus. we slept on the LONGEST BUS RIDE EVER until we reached our destination. we unpacked and went downstairs to got assigned to our family//color group. we played a bunch of team unity games for four hours, and then had free time. we all took a nap and had dinner a couple of hours later. the food was okay, wasn't the best. for three days i was eating gold fish, and other snack food. after dinner we got ready for the dance. we partied that dance floor like never before, and had the best of times. i danced with a couple of boys and enjoyed talking with them. the DJ at that dance was the WORST DJ ever. all the songs kept on swearing and some songs even said sexual things in there..... what?! it was shocking and the DJ just laughed and laughed. (Idiot) after partying for three hours we took a shower and got ready for bed. nicole, kylie, kaylee, and brittney stayed up till 4 am. we did pranks all night long, and were doing crazy things. we snuck into the kitchen and got rolls from a leader. haha. and we played in the racket ball room for hours. we were really loud also... oops! but at youth conference//girls camp us girls never go to bed. NEVER.

we woke up exhausted and headed down for breakfast. while waiting in line girls were telling the boys this "a group of obnoxious girls were up all night long. we couldn't even go to sleep. they were so annoying." and we were standing right behind them. lol. we turned into celebrities from that night, everyone couldn't stop talking about us. breakfast was.... hm... let's not go there about how bad it was. the whole entire day we had devotionals, and they were really good. my group of friends i hung out from last night were all asleep. we tried so hard not to fall asleep, but we couldn't help it. (now here comes the drama) three boys [wont be saying their names] were not cooperating with anyone, and were lying to the leaders and everyone else. they went to all the boys spring bar tents and took all the poles off the tents. the tents collapsed on everyones things and broke some peoples stuff. these other 2 boys were mad that the three boys did that, and so the 2 boys decided to pee on there things. as soon as the 3 boys walked into their tent there was a huge smell of pee and m&m's were all over there things. 

testimony meeting came and the 3 boys didn't show up. the leader found them and but them in our group (the boys are in our ward.) testimony meeting was amazing. i loved hearing from everyone especially the boys because i never get to hear their testimonies. a lot of the boys got very emotional and i thought that was super sweet. i bared my testimony and i did great- haha. at the end of testimony meeting we all got ready for bed.... and the leaders asked if we knew where the three boys were. the young men and young women leaders were furious with those boys from all the crap they did since we got there. the young men leaders searched until 1 am to find where those boys were. they finally found them. they were walking on the streets heading towards delta city. THEY RAN AWAY GUYS. i was completely shocked that they would run away. they ran away because they were upset with everyone, and especially the boys who peed on there stuff. 

after all the chaos we got ready for bed. this night was even more fun then thursday. and we were a little bit more louder than the night before. :) kylie and nic ran down stairs into the kitchen and got popsicles for all of us girls and did pranks on other people. we couldn't stop laughing and we couldn't go to bed. we finally crashed at around 4 and slept for 3 hours.

we were officially grumpy as ever and did not want to wake up. but it was totally worth it because we had the best time ever staying up. we headed down for breakfast and saw those three boys and the three boys parents. (busted!) the 3 boys got there cereal and we to the two boys who peed on there stuff. the three boys threw there milk and cereal at the two boys. us girls were right in front of the situation and were shocked that they did that ESPECIALLY when their parents were right in front of them. as soon as the young men leaders took them out side with their parents to talk, something else happened. when they walked out side us girls were headed up stairs to pack. then right in front of our eyes this boy comes up to a kid and punches him in the face and chest. [WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!] it was the scariest sight of my life. the boy who got punched fell to the ground unconscious and was shaking like crazy. the leaders ran over and helped the kid quickly. the boy who punched him got in huge trouble. the boys woke up with a bruise on the side of his head and had to lay on the ground for a while. 

we headed upstairs to pack and i was furious, all of us girls were. (there was drama between me and this one girl but i wont go into that.) i was upset about the girl who kept making me upset, and from the huge bullying going on. i finally snapped at the girl who did stuff to me that week. i stood up for my self and everyone else who was by me. i've been upset with her for a long time now, and i've been wanting to tell her things and a little bit of those things came out of my mouth at that moment. she told everyone at camp, and everyone thought i was a brat.... well that sucks for me. but i am proud for what i said because she needed to hear it. even though she didn't care what i said, i'm still glad i said it. 

we got a lot of popsicles and headed for the buses. brittney and i took a little nap on the bus, and then talked with some boys in our ward. we got home and i was so happy to be back. i got my things and headed home. 
nicole and kylie putting up our towels on the thing because the stupid security light made it hard for us to sleep. 
i am super happy i went to youth conference. best time of my life. i grew closer to girls and grew closer to the guys. i felt the spirit a ton and also grew a stronger relationship with my heavenly father. 

[sorry if you didn't understand the drama, but i tried to make it less confusing as possible.]

1 comment:

Meg said...

oh my gosh! i wish i was there. :( it sounds like alot of fun! hahaha wow. um yeah love you!