08 July, 2013

fitness time.

it is time for the fitness post. yay. i am not going to be doing my summer fitness routine, because i don't have one. to me i believe that you should enjoy yourself during the summer... so i'm going to be doing my winter//fall work out routine. since i go to a performing arts school, they kick our butts with hard work outs that will make you sore for days. not even kidding. it's totally worth it though, because now i have a great amount of muscle. i also believe i got all this muscle from drill team, and just because i'm a dancer. 

drill work out//killer sandwich: 
run one mile every day
10 jumping jacks
50 sit ups
25 crunches
50 push ups
30 second plank
25 burpees
20 high knees

the killer sandwich? well the killer sandwich is when we would do all those things, as many times as we could for 30 minutes. (besides the one mile run) we would do the killer sandwich once a week, and oh my gosh it was a painful experience. {maybe that's why i have such a hard stomach..?} we weren't supposed to have sugar the whole entire year... but i sort of cheated. 

school work out:
25 jumping jacks
25 high knees
25 triceps pushups
25 push ups
50 crunches
2 minute plank

we would also do pushups across the floor and yoga at the end of each month. the school work out isn't as bad as drill team... but it did make me sore from doing it EVERY SINGLE DAY. last summer i would do 300 sit ups every day... woah. i know that is a lot, but i really wanted a strong stomach- also a six pack. :) 

i don't drink any soda, and i haven't for probably.... well let's just say it's been a LONG time since i have had soda. i personally don't like soda, so it's easy to stay away from that. you should drink at least 8 cups of water every day... and i hardly ever drink water. i don't know why, but i never come across my mind to drink water. 

drill work out drink: a.k.a the worst drink alive.
2 cups of spinich
2 cups of water
1 cup of whey protein
a squeeze of lemon juice
now blend that baby up! 

our coach made us drink that every single day. it is supposed to cleanse you when you drink it..? honestly i almost threw up the first time i had it. then i decided to put some strawberries and bananas in there, and it tasted like heaven drinking it. 

i hope this was at least sorta helpful and got some tips.  i do like working out, but not during the summer. have a great monday!


Anonymous said...

this is so freaking helpful!!!! and wow, you must have a good stomach from how many sit ups you do! way to go sienna!

Unknown said...

What apps do you use to edit your pictures? Especially the one in the fitness post? :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds too painful