27 June, 2013

that moment.

you know that moment when you say "i'm going to start eating healthy", and then five minutes later you start eating crap food. well this has happened to me so many times. it's a challenge trying to eat healthy. i have told myself millions of times i would stop eating junk food... but of course that never happens. i end up sitting on the couch, watching re-runs of say yes to the dress and eat a whole bag of chocolate chips before the show is over. gross? yes i know it is, but i have a terrible sweet tooth. that sweet tooth should just disappear, then i could eat healthy for once. i can't help myself, the crap junk food is staring at me into my soul saying "eat me"..... oh it's completely awful i tell ya. soda- i hate soda, so drinking water is totally fine for me. when it comes to candy//chocolate... that's another story. 

//do you ever have that moment?


Anonymous said...

oh all the time. i also have an awful sweet tooth..

Meg said...

oh my gosh sienna! why didnt you invite me over?!?!?! i would have brought food :)