11 April, 2013


I honestly can't even breathe. -How could i be so stupid.
All i had to say was STOP. 
But i kept playing along with my dumb sarcasm talk. 
I didn't mean it in that way- at all.
I was being a clueless teenage girl being sucked up in his love. 
And i know you didn't mean it that way also. 

Another LONG months until i can talk.
Within those months I WILL MISS YOU.
But i know this for better. 
It will make our relationship grow tremendously.
It will be the most hardest months for me, and maybe for you.
But it will go by so fast. 

It will be hard not hearing your loving voice or your loving face...
But Heavenly Father is going to help us both grow so much. 
And also grow so much respect for each other. 

Go on and roll your eyes at me for being so dramatic.
or call me stupid for having a boyfriend. 

Heavenly Father is feeling my pain.
But i am thankful for having him in my life. 
He knows all my deepest darkest secrets and all my flaws.
He knows me more than anybody else.
I couldn't live without him in my life. He has blessed me in my life so much. 
And i'm thankful that i can talk to him every morning and night. 

Everything happens for a reason. 
I believe that. 

I'm sorry mommy and daddy what i said. - i really am.
I'm sorry to the friends that i pushed away.
I was so caught up in something else. 
I'm sorry.

I don't know how many times i have to say it for you to accept/believe.
We are stupid teenagers, and we make mistakes... No one is perfect. 

Often we don't realize that what we have could one day be gone. 
And if we have something good, we got to do all we can to keep it. 
Don't take advantage of what you have. 
Especially if it's the best you have had. I have learned that. 

I get bugged over little things and I get jealous easily. But it's only because I care. 

I never used to be jealous, but then I started loving you. 

Now I’m jealous of just about every girl that you talk to, smile at, or even wave at. It’s all because in those seconds when you look into their eyes, I’m not on your mind. 

Or at least that's what I think.

 I’ve ruined many relationships by over thinking too much. I think it may be all these guys’ faults... but really, it’s just me.

Yes- i may be to young for love...

It's almost as if right when I though things couldn't get any worse... It all just suddenly seems to get better. 

{for us gaining respect for each other}

I honestly haven't been this happy in a long time. And I feel more confidant that I ever have. 

And it is all because of one boy. 

He is one of my best friends, and I've found myself falling for him. And he has helped me learn to always accept and feel comfortable with your flaws, that way no one can ever use them against you. 

And he makes sure I feel important every time we talk. 

If someone makes you happy, then the rest shouldn't even matter. And I am learning that.

 I am not the type of girl to have a boy friend {wait... jk}, but he honestly makes me see things in different ways. 

He is different then all the others. And we are already so close that we have an amazing friendship built. He has seen every side of me. Good, and bad. 

And he still wants to be with me. And that makes me like him that much more. 

When you find a guy that is respectful, opens all the doors for you, helps you with your homework, gets you little things "just because", and is always putting you first before other things... Keep him.

I may get in trouble for saying these things or naive. 

But i have had prayers that have been answered- and i know Heavenly Father doesn't lie. 


I love you- don't forget that. 

1 comment:

Karen Fletcher said...

I'm a stalker and I found your blog. No big deal :)

Thanks for this post; it helped me.