11 November, 2013

it's the best.

i love the my girls and i can do anything with each other.

share each others clothes
text each other reminding us that it's HUMP DAY
sending each other random texts saying "i love you"
can make awful smoothies, but still keep it for a masterpiece
ask for advice
can feel that something is wrong, even when your not by them
ask for the most randomest things, and they will give them to you
can buy each other things, and don't need to worry about paying them back {cuz they love you that much!}
take naps with each other at girls camp
stay up ALL NIGHT talking about our crushes, secrets, and make icecream
losing track of time with each other
that time of the month parties, HA NOT
planning matching outfits
bringing them to family things
being able to call them your sister
having that one look when you look at each other, and you know what they are thinking.
secret hand shakes
making weird animal sounds
mind reading
saying "we're out of food, let's go to your house!"
having coded text messages no one can understand
buying random crap and regretting it after
try to stay mad at them, but you just cant!
taking their phone and taking the ugliest photos you can of your self
kisses on the cheek
you can cry in front of them no matter what
randomly start laughing for no reason
etc. etc.

i love my girls <3


Anonymous said...

this is so cuteee!

Anonymous said...

cute. who are 'my girls' exactly?