12 October, 2013


sup homie people of the blogger world.... ha no. H E L L O, i think it's time for the best friend tag.... you should be excited! i haven't done this tag ever before, so sorry if I'm doing this completely wrong. thanks for the cute reader who tagged me to do this. xoxo
so let's begin... 

How did you two meet?
Ryan and i met in 8th grade in mr.shelley's science class. I had a huge crush on him and would pass notes to my friend talking about him all the time. we have been best friends and inseparable ever since.

What is something that annoys you about each other?
R: The most annoying thing that sienna does is probably when she acts like she doesn't know me and calls me " Random person " and when she says she doesn't like me ( only in joke matter )
S: One thing that bugs the crap out of me that ryan  does is that when he gets upset with me he will stop talking to me, and pretend he doesn’t know me and calls me random person. and when he takes my phone and starts taking ugly pictures of me. 

Describe each other in one word
R: The one word I would use for sienna is " stud muffin " 

What's your favourite memory together?
R: My favorite time together is when I'm right next to her, she's my pride and joy!
S: My favorite memory with ryan… well there is A LOT. We both create the most funniest, weirdest memories ever and they are so dear to my heart. We could sit by each other and start laughing hysterically. 

What were your first impressions?
R: My first impression of sienna was in science and I looked at her and was like " HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOT "
S: When I first saw ryan was in 8th grade, he was in his neon sponge bob shirt and I couldn’t stop starring at him… I probably freaked the living crap out of him, but he his face was just to cute I couldn’t stop staring! first impression- HANDSOME BOY

What do you love most about them?
R: I think I love sienna's personality more then anything else! She always wants to know why my day is bad and she is willing to do anything for me! ( and she's way cute so that's a plus )
S: I love so many things about ryan.. it’s hard to choose just one. My favorite thing about ryan is that he is always so happy. He has this permanent smile on his face that never leaves! He is always trying to make other people happy, and cares about everyone.

Imitate each other
R: fetch it!!
> oh my flab!
> for sure
> oh goll 
> i am in love with my best friend ;) 
> insidious.. THE COMEDY
> RYAN!!
> tell me, tell me, tell me ;) 
> (slaps my arm) 
> that's not even funny

S: dude that's sick nasty
> dude that ending of insidious was rusty
> I'm so hungry. I gotta fill this 6"6 body up. 
> a'ight 
> ow my finger! 
> guess what?... Chicken butt!
> i hate wearing jeans
> yaaaaaaaaa 
> I'm so tired, u don't even know! 
> I'm sweaty, but I'm gonna hug you anyways. 
> sienna is my best friend
> man I have to pee... Now I don't. Where did it go?! Did it disintegrate?!
> hey can i see your phone? (takes my phone and takes 1000 UGLY pictures of me)
> 730 DAYS!!!!!!!!

Brag about your best friend
ryan is 6"6 and has a 17 shoe size.... SERIOUSLY, he is "big" foot. ryan is the most caring and accepting person you will ever meet. he never judges anyone and he will always be there for you whenever you need him. he plays the drums, and is a professional at it- no joke. ryan HATES peanut butter, but loves gross lemon drinks. ryan is a fantastic singer, but thinks that he sounds like a dying cow. ryan is a ballroom dancer and is FABULOUS at it, he's only done it for a year- who would've known? ryan and i have so many inside jokes, you would be shocked of how many there are. anddddd he is just so plain awesome. #lovehim

soo... there you have it, i hope i did this right... it was super fun to do! 

I tag these people to do this >>>>>>
Chantel Petty
Megan Hawkes
Emily Nielsen
Erika Mouritsen 

ready, set, GO


Meg said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What ever happened between you and ammon?