27 August, 2013


i think everyone has those days when they are completely stressed out. i get stressed out very easily, and it makes me very.... grumpy?

music is my escape. i can spend hours and hours in my room jamming it out forever. music inspires everyone, and it inspires me. i love that i can just sit on the piano when i'm stressed out, and i can pour all my emotions on those piano keys. i can unwind and relax by creating music wherever i go.... even if i'm just humming along to a song that i love, it makes me happy. i'm pretty sure my instruments are sick of me venting out on them, but they got to deal with it. ;)

i'm grateful that i have this musical gift, and that i can share it with others. i'm one lucky girl that heavenly father picked me to have a musical gift//talent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful.