29 May, 2013

Lagoon Day.

Today was Lagoon Day- and it was so much fun. I love Lagoon, not as much as Disneyland- but this is the best place here in Utah. -well for me. 

This morning i woke up with confusion and some tears {duh i'm a teenager} i solved every problem, and i resumed getting ready. I headed out the door to my school and saw 6 charter buses. Guys- last year they only used two charter buses... so many ninth graders this year that they had 6. My charter bus was freakin awesome. it was a double decker, and it was the coolest thing in the planet. chatted with my best friends, and caught up in all their love lives. guys i have missed them so much, and spending the day with all my favorite people was the BEST. 

40 minutes later we arrived at our destination, i was so excited i was jumping up and down in my seat. we got our CHEAP tickets and headed off for some fun. we started off with kiddy rides {the best rides} and had the best time. as we were walking around i see my cousin, and a bunch of other kids i went to mountainville with. i screamed and hugged all of those people, and we were so excited to see eachother. last time we saw each other was FOUR YEARS AGO. it's so funny seeing them now, they all have changed SO MUCH- WOW. it was the best thing in the whole world reuniting with my old best friends from forever ago. 

We went on spiny rides that make you go upside down like crazy... and i think i'm turning into my mom. every time i went on something that went upside down INCLUDING roller coasters i was about to vomit. it makes me so sad because i love roller coasters. so i bought myself motion sickness pills... man lagoon has everything at their little "store."

I hung out with these cute girlies the whole entire day- and boy it was a blast. we almost died a couple of times, but that's alright. :) 

The whether was absolutely beautiful. i was worried that it was going to rain- but it didn't. :) we went on the sky lifters, and i rode with Ammon on the way to the other side of lagoon. it was nice talking to each other, and catching up on each others lives. laughed a ton, and told each other recent funny stories. it was fantastic. just like old times but... like a new mature ammon and sienna. 

look how cute we are. :) this was ammon's first time at lagoon AND first time on roller coasters or anything crazy like this. he loved everything- except the rocket.... boy he is scared of heights. but he is a trooper because he went on it. my first time i was FORCED to go on it. - and i ended up loving it:) 

{for those who are wondering what happened... well you ain't gonna know that. but i will tell you that we still like//love each other like we used too. so it's all good:) just maturing here people!}

we ate subway for lunch- and it was yummy... but man the prices were ridiculous. $10 for a foot long... are you kidding me?! wow- but the $5 six inch sub was worth it. we headed off to raddle snake rapids and i got soaked... oh my gosh- megan just decides to push me under the water fall... {thanks meg love you!} wicked was oh so fun and also the samurai. :) we went to a couple more rides and headed off to the bus. 

i screamed so loud my throat is so sore... oh it hurts so much. we got on our wicked bus and headed home:( i was exhausted from that day and i slept like a baby on the bus. well actually everyone did. except these loud boys talking about fat people... jerks. 

it was a fantastic day and i just wanted to be there for a little bit longer. best day ever.

tomorrow is the last day of school... i can't believe it. there will be a lot of hugs, tears, and good byes to some people. i love all of those people with my heart. but it will be alright.

1 comment:

Amanda Schroeder said...

My last day of school was seriously so hard. Haha. I struggled! Because now, my friends & I from high school just aren't that close. But when people tell you high school years are the best years of your life? I'm gonna have to disagree with that. It only gets better from here. You can count that as a promise :) Also, you and that boy are cute. Super cute.
