05 July, 2013

bragging a bit//surprise.

okay, i know i don't do the whole- post two things a day, but i just had to for this. can i just say i have the best grandpa a.k.a danka ever!? i absolutely love him to death, and i couldn't ask for a better grandpa. 

today was a very down//lazy day relaxing with my p.j.'s on. while i was doing my daily pinterest stuff, the door bell rang. i looked through the peep hole and saw this girl  holding a vase with flowers. thinking to myself "what in the world..." i opened the door and she asked "is sienna here?"... i was in complete shock wondering who in the world is giving me flowers? walking into the family room with confusion saying "someone gave me flowers..." i opened the card to find this: 

look how pretty they are?! it was the best surprise ever, especially coming from my grandpa. i love you grandpa and thank you so much, you are the best!
made my day complete. 


Anonymous said...

ok that is absolutely adorable. grandparents are the best.

Anonymous said...

wow your flowers are gorgeous!

RBS said...

Believe me little SiSi. We feel so proud to be able to have you as a granddaughter and Danka loves you so very much. You are the best little kiddo ever!

love gma