01 July, 2013

nice to meet you.

it's time to read//get to know more about sienna time. isn't this exciting? yes. so if it's your first time reading my blog, you get to know about me. also, nice to meet you! okay, questions time.

1. what is the funniest/most embarrassing thing that happened this week? 
this week? well i have one from a couple weeks ago. my family and i went to whole foods, and i went to the bathroom. while i was doing my business, another lady goes into a stall. when i went out of the stall, i saw the ladies shoes and i thought it was my mom, because they had the same shoes. after washing my hands, i put my wet hands over the stall and shook water all over her. she comes out of the stall and... it wasn't my mom. i was so embarrassed i ran out of the bathroom, without saying sorry. i went to tell my mom what happened, and the lady walks passed us staring at me.. pretty great, right?

2. any beauty secrets you're currently loving? 
brow powder from BH Cosmetics! without this brow powder you wouldn't be able to see my eyebrows. 
3. who has been the most inspiring person for you? why?
there has been a lot of people who has inspired me in my life.... i honestly can't choose just one. anyone who has made me into a better person has inspired me so much. 

4. favorite song off the top of your head. don't think about it. just go 
ohh... this is a hard one. songs i'm currently loving:
let her go- passenger
one women army- kate earl
angel eyes- love and theft

5. what's a personal trial that you've had to overcome? 
well, i'm not going to tell all y'all this trial just because it's to personal. only a few people know what happened, and that's as many as i want to know. this trial was the hardest one i have ever gone through, but i'm sure there will be more trials to come, but i don't think any of them could beat this one. i'm grateful for that trial, because without it i wouldn't be the person i am today. it made me become into a better person, and come closer to the gospel. even though it sucked having to go through that process, it really changed my heart, mind, and soul forever. 
6. why do you blog? and what do you find to be the most rewarding thing that has come from it?
i blog for many reasons... but manly because i love typing on the computer and tell all of you guys what has happened in my life. i love reading all your guys comments, and seeing people i have no idea who they are comment also. it's super fun for me to blog everyday, and pour out my feelings on this little journal.  

7. Who is your role model or go-to person that you can tell anything to? 
my role model(s) is my mom and dad. they are strong people and know how to fix things up! my go-to person... ohh this is hard. well, you could probably guess ammon. yes it's ammon. ammon knows almost everything. not everything, but he knows a lot. he's seen me at my worst, and has seen me at my best. he is a great shoulder to cry on, and gives great advice. 

8. tell us the dirty deet's from your first kiss and the last person you kissed.
well... let's see. first kiss on the cheek was strauss vanwagenen. it was in... fifth or sixth grade, he just came in and kissed my cheek. first kiss on the lips was ryan white. it happened in eighth grade the day before thanksgiving break. we liked each other and he leaned in.. ya i didn't know what to do, but i will admit i wanted it to happen. the last person i kissed was ammon, shocker?  
9. if you could go back and change one day, what would you do differently?
oh heavens i defiantly would go back to the day i did that embarrassing moment... wow learned my lesson on that one- big time.

10. what are your fitness secrets?
i'm doing a post on this one soon.. i'll tell you all my little secrets and everything on there.

11. what is your absolute favorite picture. of you, of your significant other, anyone.
these are my two little sisters. this picture was taken years ago, but i love this photo. i think it's hilarious and adorable at the same time.


12. what is a talent you wished you had?
i WISH i could draw, doodle, paint.. you name it. i do not have the artist abilities, unlike my sister tae. taeylnn has mad art skills. 

there you have it. hope you guys enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better. leave a question in a 
comment section if i didn't answer one you wanted to know. i tag all of you to do this.



Anonymous said...

you dont tell everything to another best friend?

Anonymous said...

love that picture! what is your deepest darkest secret?!

Unknown said...


I think your blog is great! I just had to tell you that I LOVED your story about the bathroom and shaking your wet hands on the lady you thought was your mom.

That's a great "most embarrassing moment" story for sure!
Love, Aunt Lisa

Unknown said...

Oh, and good luck tomorrow on your AI audition!!!