21 June, 2013

appreciation time.

i think it's time to say thank you to all of my readers. i love coming onto my blog and seeing all these random people comment, and tell me things. oh it makes me so happy, especially when i idolize that person. i have only had my blog for a year and half now and i have had 6,938 viewers already? is that even possible? but any-who, thank you for taking the time to read my crazy adventures here on my blog- it means a lot. also thank you to those who have been here with me ever since the beginning. my blog back then was totally interesting... and it's awesome that you guys are still reading. not to toot my own horn- but over the past two weeks i had 74 people following me on pinterest, and now i almost have 100... i think that is an accomplishment. maybe it's not from my blog- but i think a little bit of it has to do with it. i love you all, and again thank you so much. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no, thank you for sharing your life!